Vitamin b12 Weight Loss

You set a goal to lose weight. Now the search begins to find useful tools to help you reach your goal. Perhaps your research uncovered information promoting the use of vitamin B-12 -- also called cobalamin -- to boost metabolism and facilitate weight loss. Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutrient the body requires to carry out three important jobs. It is needed to support the function of nerves, to make red blood cells and to synthesize DNA. No scientific evidence exists to support the use of vitamin B-12 to boost metabolism or help with weight loss.

Food Sources

Vitamin B-12 comes from animal-derived food sources like meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products. Nutritional yeast also contains vitamin B-12. Plants, however, do not provide this vitamin. Foods fortified with vitamin B-12 include breakfast cereals and milk alternatives like some soy milk products. Fortified foods are good sources of vitamin B-12, particularly for vegans, who do not eat any foods that come from animals. Most people consume enough vitamin B-12 in their diets.

Vitamin B-12 and the Krebs Cycle

The idea that vitamin B-12 will help you lose weight by revving up your energy stems from its role in a metabolic pathway called the Krebs cycle, which is involved in the generation of energy. Without enough vitamin B-12, the Krebs cycle slows down, and the body produces less energy. Fatigue, weakness and tiredness are symptoms of a vitamin B-12 deficiency because, in part, not enough energy is produced. There is no scientific evidence, however, that healthy people produce more energy as a result of taking vitamin B-12 supplements. Excess vitamin B-12 can interfere with some medications as well.

Vitamin B-12 and Red Blood Cells

B-12 deficiency can cause a type of anemia in which the red blood cells are large and immature due to an impaired ability to properly divide. Red blood cells transport oxygen, but in anemia they are ineffective at doing this. The cells need oxygen to generate metabolic energy, and when there is not enough oxygen, less energy is generated. As people with vitamin B-12 deficiency undergo treatment and start producing healthy red blood cells, they may begin to feel more energetic. This energetic boost happens only because there was a previous vitamin B-12 deficiency. Evidence does not indicate that vitamin B-12 supplements increase red blood synthesis, oxygen transport, energy production or ultimately energy levels in healthy people.

Weight Loss

Eating a balanced diet that moderates portion size; focuses on a variety of whole, fresh foods instead of processed fare; and incorporates aerobic exercise with strength training promotes weight loss. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends losing weight gradually at a rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week in order to facilitate change and maximize your success. Consult with your health care provider before starting a new weight-loss or exercise program.
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